Copyright (c) 2024 Tomas Daniel Samaniego Vivanco, Wendy E. Pérez, Sphyros Lastra-Paúcar, Richard Solórzano-Acosta
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Tomas Daniel Samaniego Vivanco
ORCID iD Experimental Stations Supervision and Monitoring Direction, National Institute for Agrarian Innovation (INIA)
Wendy E. Pérez
ORCID iD Agricultural Experimental Stations Supervision and Monitoring Direction, National Institute for Agrarian Innovation - INIA
Sphyros Lastra-Paúcar
ORCID iD Agricultural Experimental Stations Supervision and Monitoring Direction, National Institute for Agrarian Innovation - INIA
Ezio Verme-Mustiga
Húmicos Ibéricos Peruanos S.A.C. (HIPSAC), Av. Los Fresnos Nro. 1233 Dpto. 101, Lima, Peru
Richard Solórzano-Acosta
ORCID iD Agricultural Experimental Stations Supervision and Monitoring Direction, National Institute for Agrarian Innovation - INIA
Signatory of DORA
San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment
Note: These systems evaluate journal performance. Presented in complaince with DORA suggestions for publishers.