Cecilia Guadalupe Pereyra Tamayo, Mariela Beatriz Reyes Sosa, José Apolonio Venegas Venegas, Deb Raj Aryal, René Pinto Ruiz, Roselia Ramírez Díaz, Francisco Guevara Hernández, Carmen Ponce Caballero


Background: Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are an integral part of the basic diet in Mexico and are one of the most important crops. Mexico is the seventh producer worldwide and one of the main consumers of it. Within Mexico, the state of Chiapas is the sixth-largest producer with 68,515 t per year, with a yield of 0.59 t ha-1. However, the excessive use of chemical fertilizer has degraded soil quality and increased production costs. Objective: To study the agronomic response of the bean crop treated with biofertilizers originated from livestock excreta through anaerobic digestion (effluents). Methodology: Variables plant growth variables seed germination, flowering, photosynthesis, and the presence of pathogens were compared. The treatment evaluated were soils treated with bovine manure (treatment 1) and swine manure (treatment 2) after anaerobic digestion, urea (treatment 3) as chemical fertilizer, and control without fertilizers (treatment 4). Results: In general, the use of biofertilizers improved the yield per plant, as well as accelerated the development of the plants compared to the control, which was attractive for the producers. In addition, the use of biofertilizers in the soil decreased the presence of pathogens and increased the microbial population, which can be beneficial in soil recovery. Implications: The cost of biofertilizer production was 13.5 USD for m3, which was cheaper than chemical fertilizers. However, a detailed analysis of the application costs of biofertilizers is recommended. Conclusion: The practice of using livestock effluents (biofertilizer) is proposed as a complement to agroecological practices to improve agricultural production and recover soil fertility in southern Mexico. 


: Total coliforms in soil; livestock effluents; Creole bean.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Mariela Beatriz Reyes Sosa, Cecilia Guadalupe Pereyra Tamayo, José Apolonio Venegas Venegas, Deb Raj Aryal, René Pinto Ruiz, Roselia Ramírez Díaz, Francisco Guevara Hernández, Carmen Ponce Caballero

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