Leslie Arbeli Cruz-Lujan, Benito Albarran-Portillo, Xochitl Jasso-Arriaga, Anastacio Garcia-Martinez


Background. Despite the fact that it is an indigenous species and of great cultural significance for rural areas of Mexico, breeding and production of turkey is an economic activity that has currently lost importance and is at risk of disappearing, due to structure and management, flock health and social factors Objective. Typifying production units (PU) of native backyard turkey in the Municipality of Temascaltepec, State of Mexico. Methodology. The information was obtained through a structured survey to holders of 20 PU of backyard turkey. PU were typified using multivariate statistics; a principal component analysis (PCA), to standardize information and with the regressions of the original variables on the new factors obtained, a cluster analysis (CA) to classify PU based on intrinsic characteristics that defined them and extrinsic characteristics that differentiated them. Results. The PU are characterized by the presence of small families, small flocks managed by women over 59 years old, who speak nahuatl native language and have primary education. The PU began by buying birds, they have a traditional backyard management, whose food base is corn and kitchen waste. Production is low and is used for self-consumption through the preparation of traditional dishes such as mole. To a lesser extent, both turkey and meat are sold in local markets to improve family income. The continuity of the activity is compromised, in small PU mainly, due to low interest and generational change. Implications. The work made it possible to identify the PU trends and the factors that favor production, as well as those factors that compromise the continuity of the family activity. Conclusion. There is a diversity of backyard turkey PU, the flocks are small managed by women, the diet is based on grains and kitchen waste, the products obtained are for self-consumption from traditional dishes and their continuity depends on the experience in the activity and the family size.


birds; backyard; production; typology; indigenous areas.

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URN: http://www.revista.ccba.uady.mx/urn:ISSN:1870-0462-tsaes.v26i1.43482

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.56369/tsaes.4348


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