Henry Morocho-Romero, Ricardo Peña-Castillo, Roger Chanduvi-García, Sandy Vilchez-Navarro, Marcos Quiroz-Calderón, Mariano Calero-Merino, Miguel Galecio-Julca, Javier Javier-Alva, Camila Cruz-Grimaldo, Davies Arturo Morales Pizarro


Background: In Peru, the Kent variety mango, is the most exported fruit and socioeconomic interest in the country, traditionally produced under conventional fertilization; however, its productivity is affected due to the increase in production costs mainly of fertilizers. Objective: To evaluate the effect of the application of compost and biol on the productive variables of the mango crop var. Kent. Methodology: The following treatments were evaluated: T0: control; T1: compost 5 t ha-1; T2: compost 15 t ha-1; T3: biol 5%; T4: biol 10%; T5: compost 5 t ha-1 + biol 5%; T6: compost 5 t ha-1 + biol 10%; T7: compost 15 t ha-1 + biol 5% and T8: compost 15 t ha-1 + biol10%. The variables evaluated were: polar fruit diameter (DPF-mm), equatorial fruit diameter (DEF-mm), diagonal fruit diameter (DDF-mm), average growth rate per day (TCPD-mm day-1), number of fruits harvested per panicle (NFCP), fruit weight (PF-g), yield per plant (RP-kg plant-1) and yield per hectare (RHA-t plant-1). An ANOVA and cluster analysis were carried out. Results: Cluster analysis formed four groups: G-I (T8, T2 and T7), G-II (T1, T5 and T6), G-III (T4) and G-IV (T3 and T0). Implications: Organic foliar and edaphic fertilization is presented as an alternative to conventional and environmentally friendly fertilization. Conclusion: G-I with the highest organic fertilization presented the highest values in the variables tested. In addition, T8 outperformed the control by 132% for the RHA variable.


Biol; compost; mango Kent; morphometry; yield.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Davies Arturo Morales Pizarro, Henry Morocho-Romero, Ricardo Peña-Castillo, Roger Chanduvi-García, Sandy Vilchez-Navarro, Marcos Quiroz-Calderón, Mariano Calero-Merino, Miguel Galecio-Julca, Javier Javier-Alva, Camila Cruz-Grimaldo

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