Jhon Alexander Carrillo-Rozo, Jeisson Rodriguez-Valenzuela, Sergio David Parra-González


Background: livestock farming has been based on establishing extensive breeding systems (i.e., low density of individuals per unit area). Despite the high diversity of flora in the savanna in the Orinoco plateau of Colombia, there is still a knowledge gap in the characterization of herbaceous and shrub species and their ecosystem functions respectively. Objective: To identify the floristic composition in natural and managed savannas, considering some physicochemical properties of the soils in the Puerto Lopez municipality of the department of Meta. Methodology:  The fieldwork was carried out in three plots (P1, P2 and P3) of 9000 m2 in which the identification of different species, ecosystem functions, and vegetation cover percentage were determined. Also soil parameters were evaluated texture, pH, macroelements (N, P, K, Ca, Mg), and microelements (Mg, Zn, Fe, Cu, B). Results: according to the UPGMA, alpha diversity (Shannon-Weiner, Simpson) and  beta similarity (Jaccard, Sørensen, Sokal and Sneath) indices showed that P1 was different regarding soil properties and dominance of Poaceae species compared to P2 and P3, the latter being very similar in their floristic composition and edaphic characteristics. Implications: This study could be a baseline for better use of ecosystem resources and future management decisions on cattle farms under similar conditions. Conclusion: Alpha diversity was lower in the P1 plot with anthropogenic disturbances compared to those with little or no intervention (P2 and P3). The highest abundance of grass species, shrubs, and even species that may indicate conditions that favor disturbance, such as fire, were found in P2 and P3.


floristic composition; shrubs; grasses; ecosystem function; acid soils

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Copyright (c) 2024 Sergio David Parra-González, Jeisson Rodriguez-Valenzuela, Jhon Alexander Carrillo-Rozo

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