Abraham Monteon-Ojeda, Elías Hernandez-Castro, Teolincacihuatl Romero-Rosales, Betsabe Piedragil-Ocampo, Martha Olivia Lázaro-Dzul, Ausencio Azuara-Domínguez


Background: Mexico is the third producer and the first exporter of papaya in the world. The crop has multiple phytosanitary limitations, among which anthracnose stands out, which can cause substantial production losses. The main management method is with chemical synthesis fungicides. Objective: To evaluate treatments with biorational characteristics to control anthracnose in papaya crops in pre- and post-harvest. Methodology: The causal agent of anthracnose was isolated and identified, the growth inhibitory effect of C. gloeosporioides was evaluated in vitro with extracts of Datura stramonium, Argemone mexicana, Citrus sinensis essential oil and Eucalyptus globulus essential oil; In addition, biorational treatments were applied pre- and post-harvest (botanical extracts, essential oils and Trichoderma harzianum); The incidence and severity were evaluated and the percentage of efficacy was calculated. A randomized complete block design was used and analysis of variances and comparisons of means were performed (Tukey, P ≤ 0.05). Results: The E. globulus oil extract reached the highest in vitro growth inhibition levels, followed by the C. sinensis essential oil and the A. mexicana extract; In the field phase, T. harzianum reached 80.7% efficacy and 8% incidence, the essential oil of E. globulus and the essential oil of C. sinensis reached 73 and 66% efficacy, respectively. The effect of the treatments applied in pre-harvest demonstrated that successive applications of T. harzianum reduced severity by 81% and incidence on papaya fruits by 30%, the essential oil of E. globulus and that of C. sinensis achieved efficacy of 64 and 68%, in their order. Finally, in the storage phase, T. harzianum achieved a control efficiency of 89%, C. sinensis oil 84% and 85% for the essential oil of E. globulus, A. mexicana managed to inhibit 76.46%. Implications: Comparison of other biorational management treatments such as the use of essential elements (silicon, sulfur, etc.), nanotechnology, UV irradiation and resistance inducers is suggested. Conclusion: These results support that a successful and biorational control of anthracnose in papaya must be based on comprehensive management that considered the preharvest and storage phases.


Essential oils; disease; vegetable extracts; incidence; severity.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.56369/tsaes.5168

Copyright (c) 2024 Abraham Monteon-Ojeda, Elías Hernandez-Castro, Teolincacihuatl Romero-Rosales, Betsabe Piedragil-Ocampo, Martha Olivia Lázaro-Dzul, Ausencio Azuara-Domínguez

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