Daniel Padilla Chacon, Maria Elena Loera-Alvarado, Alberto Enrique Becerril-Román, Ciro Velazco Cruz, Hilda Araceli Zavaleta-Mancera, Guillermo Calderon Zavala


Background: Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) are one of the most used nanomaterials as fertilization source and they have favorable results in growing and the whole development in several crops. However, their effects on the plant physiological processes are contradictory. Objective: To evaluate the physiological effects of the use of zinc oxide nanoparticles and two application methods on physiology and productivity in strawberry crop. Methodology: ZnO NPs (100, 200, 500, 1000 mg L-1) and Zn-EDTA through substrate and foliar way, using an increased factorial design completely randomized with four replicates per treatment. Gases interchange, foliar area, specific weight, quantum efficiency of photosystem II and fruit production were determined. Results. 200 mg L-1 per foliar application increased the net assimilation rate by 34% compared to treatment with Zn-EDTA. These results were consistent with the 16% increase in leaf area per plant; however, it was shown that foliar application with 500 and 1000 mg L-1 of nanoparticles affects the efficiency of photosystem II. Implications: These results provide knowledge about the physiological effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles applied as a fertilization source. Conclusion: The foliar application of 200 mg L-1 of ZnO NPs proved to be the most efficient concentration to increase the net assimilation rate and leaf area. Chlorophyll fluorescence results indicated that the use of ZnO NPs at concentrations of 500 and 1000 mg L-1 applied foliarly, affected the photochemical efficiency of photosystem II. 


fertilization; application methods; photosynthesis; photosystem II.

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