Randy Atencio Valdespino, Jose Angel Herrera-Vasquez, Marta Higuera-Gomez, Alex Vasquez-Osorio, Edgar Moreno-Perez


Background. Aphids are one of the insect groups with the greatest impact on agricultural production. They affect a wide range of hosts, including fruit trees such as citrus. Objective.  Identify the main morphological characters and evaluate a rearing protocol for the aphid Toxoptera aurantii Boyer de Fonscolombe, 1841 (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in a room-temperature in protected environment. Methodology. Specimens were collected from citrus trees in production in the province of Coclé, infested branches were cut and placed in plastic containers for transport. Insects were separated for identification through micro slides, observed under a microscope and identified using taxonomic reference keys. Four treatments were established with mucuna (Mucuna pruriens [L.] DC.), canavalia (Canavalia ensiformis [L.] DC.), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and orange jasmine (Murraya paniculata [L.] Jack) as host plants. Abundance was evaluated at 2 and 14 DAI. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance. For each treatment, 30 plants were used, and five aphids of different stages (two adults and three nymphs) were released on each plant. Plants were evaluated from 0 to 14 DAI (Days after infestation). Insect abundance was evaluated at 2 and 14 DAI. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance. Results. The morphological determinant characters of the species T. aurantii were identified. Statistically significant differences were observed between treatments (p<0.05) at 2 and 14 DAI, where the host plant that highlighted was the orange jasmine with an average of 51.5 ± 55.95 specimens per plant at 14 DAI. Implications. This research implies the importance of identifying the aphid species and determining a plant that meets feeding preferences for aphid breeding. Conclusions. The use of orange jasmine at room temperature in greenhouses allows the establishment of offspring of the aphid T. aurantii 10.3 times greater than the initial population in periods of 14 DAI.


Aphididae; multiplication; environmental temperature; feeding preferences.

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