Armstrong Barnard Fernandez Jeri, Roberto Carlos Mori Zabarburu, Robert Javier Cruzalegui Fernandez, Alberto Marcial Julca Otiniano, Leoncio Hertz Fernandez Jeri


Background. The cultivation of native cocoa is of economic and social importance for the Amazonas region, which is positioning itself as an exporter of cocoa with sensory attributes of fine aroma. Objective. Determine the sustainability of native cocoa producing farms in the Bagua province, Peru. Methodology. The methodology used to assess sustainability was a "Multi Criteria Analysis". To obtain information from each of the cocoa farms in the Aramango, Copallín, El Parco, Imaza and La Peca districts, a personal survey was conducted with questions related to the three dimensions of sustainability (economic, socio-cultural, ecological). Indicators, sub-indicators and quantifiable variables adapted to cocoa cultivation were used to analyze each dimension and overall sustainability. The indicators were standardized on a scale from 0 to 4 and weighted. It was considered that a farm is sustainable if the general sustainability index is greater than two and none of the three dimensions evaluated is less than two. Results. A general sustainability index was found to be 2.1, Copallín and La Peca were the only economically sustainable ones. The ecological indicator was the one with the greatest contribution (IE=2.4) followed by the social indicator (ISC=2.3) and economic indicator (IK=1.7). 40% of the farms were sustainable in all three dimensions, dimensions, except in Imaza where it was only sustainable in the socio-cultural and ecological dimensions. Implications. The cultivation of native cocoa must increase the general sustainability index, for this, the critical points must be solved at the farm level, the diversification of production and management of vegetation cover and, at the producer level, the marketing channels, housing , access to education, access to health and health coverage. Conclusions. It was determined that the sustainability of the farms varied according to the district of origin; at the level of the general sustainability index Aramango, Copallín, El Parco and La Peca were sustainable. In the socio-cultural and ecological dimensions, all the farms in the studied districts were sustainable.


native cocoa; farms; sustainability; Bagua

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