Albaluz Ramos Franco


Background. State investments to improve the quality and quantity of water for human consumption require cost-effectiveness, especially in the Latin American and Colombian socioeconomic context. The conceptual framework of water ecosystem services allows decision makers to prioritize areas where monetary resources do generate a real impact on the water supplied to municipal aqueducts. Objective. Determine the areas and activities that should be invested as a priority, to promote two water ES in four municipalities of Boyacá. Methodology. The software RIOS was used in order to generate geographical explicit scenarios to indicate the areas where the municipal government must implement activities that in the short, medium and long term, will guarantee a baseflow at the dry season and the decrease of sediments by erosion. Results. It was identified that the higher altitude wooded areas in the basin, should be the object of agroforestry programs in its multiple expressions. Implications. In the specific case of Togüi, agroforestry does not seem to be the activity that contributes to flow control, possibly because of the natural slopes of the basin. Conclusion. This information can be used as a basis for the development of payment for water ecosystem services schemes (PWS).


Water ecosystem service, state investment, RIOS, agroforestry, PWS

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