Rodolfo Alejandro Martínez Soto, María Inés Yáñez Díaz, Israel Cantú Silva, Humberto González Rodríguez, José Guadalupe Marmolejo Moncicais


Background. The soil uses have been present since man domesticated the cultivated plants and, in the process, several changes in the soil’s physicochemical properties have been observed. Most of those changes have been detrimental to the soil’s productivity on a sustained basis. Thus, it is important to study and analyze the changes in soil’s physicochemical and hydraulic properties that get affections due to land conversion into different land-use systems. Objective. Assess the effect of different land-use systems on the physical, chemical, and hydrological properties of the soils in Northeast Mexico. Methodology. The study took place in a Chernozem soil in the Municipality of General Terán, Nuevo León, Mexico, and the land-use systems we investigated were: a citrus plantation, a grassland, an agricultural area, and the natural vegetation of the Tamaulipan Thornscrub site (MET) as a control treatment. Four composite soil samples were obtained from each site at two depths of 0-10 cm, and 10-30 cm, the chemical properties analyzed were pH and electrical conductivity (EC), and the physical properties consisted of Bulk density (BD), texture, total porosity (Tp), mechanical resistance to penetration (MRP) and field capacity (FC), permanent wilting point (PWP), available water (AW), initial infiltration (Ii), accumulated infiltration (Ai) and infiltration capacity (Ic). Results. The soil pH showed significant differences with depth (p=0.01), as well as the interaction of land-use depth (p=0.008), while electrical conductivity showed significant differences between land uses systems (p= 0.000); soil texture showed important differences in sand (p=0.003), silt (p=0.003) and clay content (p=0.006). There were significant differences between interaction of land-use soil depth, silt (p=0.003), and clay content (p=0.009). Soil hardness was significantly different between the diverse land-use systems (p=0.000). Concerning hydraulic properties, the water available in the place showed differences in land-use (p=0.001) and interaction land use-depth (p=0.006). Field capacity was also affected by land-use systems (p=0.000), as well as the interaction land use-depth (p=0.02); wilting point showed significant differences under distinct land use systems (p=0000), and in interaction of land use-depth (p=0003). Implications. More studies are needed in the short, medium and long term to monitor changes in physical, chemical, and water properties of soils under different land uses. Such information can be a guide in the proper management of these soils. Conclusion: From this study, it was possible to identify the negative impact that the different land-use systems have on the physical, chemical, and hydraulic properties of the soils under investigation. The hydraulic soil properties are the most affected. The information from this research can help for a better understanding of managing different land-use types in this Chernozem.


Citrus; Grassland; Tamaulipan Thornscrub; Agricultural; Chernozem; Infiltration.

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URN: http://www.revista.ccba.uady.mx/urn:ISSN:1870-0462-tsaes.v25i3.41150

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.56369/tsaes.4115

Copyright (c) 2022 Rodolfo Alejandro Martínez Soto, María Inés Yáñez Díaz, Israel Cantú Silva, Humberto González Rodríguez, José Guadalupe Marmolejo Moncicais

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