Maribel Del Ángel Gerónimo, Claudio Vite Cristóbal, Juan Manuel Pech Canché, Eloísa Ortega Vargas, Armando Arrieta González


Background. Tantoyuca, Veracruz presents a great diversity of vegetation in the grasslands and its main economic activity is cattle ranching, in which two production systems are managed (dairy and meat). Objective. The objective was to assess the diversity and abundance of native and introduced vegetation present in the dairy and meat production systems of the grasslands of Tantoyuca, Veracruz, Mexico. Methodology. The floristic composition, structure, diversity, richness and conservation value were estimated from the inventory and abundance of plant species obtained by sampling by linear transects in ten dairy or meat grasslands. The Shannon and Simpson true diversity indices were generated and the relative abundances of the vegetation diversity were obtained. The relationship between species diversity and grasslands was performed with the ꭕ2 test. An inventory of pastures used in grasslands was represented on a vector map with the information obtained from 76 surveyed ranchers. Results. In the grasslands, 130 species, 107 genera and 50 families were identified, distributed in 68.5% herbs, 29.5% shrubs and 2% vines, and the similarity of plant diversity in both systems (dairy and meat) was evidenced. The most commonly used grasses are Urochloa decumbens Stapf and Cynodon nlemfuensis Vanderyst. The pastures were characterized by the low presence of introduced species (10) and a high diversity of native plants (120) used by livestock. In both systems there are high incidences of native legumes and species that indicate poor grazing management such as: Desmodium incanum (Sw.) DC. and Achyranthes aspera L. Implications. The information presented in this research is useful in the design of restoration plans with herbaceous and shrub vegetation, as well as serving as a basis for making management decisions for grazing with cattle in the grasslands of the Tantoyuca, Veracruz. Conclusion. Based on the sampling of herbaceous, shrub and vine vegetation, the high presence of native and naturalized species that can be used in the grasslands was highlighted. In the meat pastures of Tantoyuca, Veracruz, with the average biological value index and low species richness, it would be advisable to carry out repopulation practices with legumes and native and naturalized grasses.


relative abundances; floristic composition; taxonomic diversity; species richness; livestock systems.

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URN: http://www.revista.ccba.uady.mx/urn:ISSN:1870-0462-tsaes.v25i3.40376

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.56369/tsaes.4037

Copyright (c) 2022 Maribel Del Ángel Gerónimo, Claudio Vite, Juan Manuel Pech Canché, Eloísa Ortega Vargas, Armando Arrieta González

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