Vidal César Vidal Aquino Zacarías, Andrés Alberto Azabache Leyton, Narcizo Isidoro Gómez Villanes, Jorge Jiménez Dávalos, Rember Pinedo-Taco


Background. The associations of poaceae and fabaceae forage species are important to provide cattle with a balanced diet between proteins and carbohydrates; also to contribute to the sustainable management of soils. Objective. The objective of the research was to determine the effect of the natural biostimulant on the triticale forage components during staggered sowing associated with faba bean. Methodology. The research was carried out under a randomized complete block experimental design with three repetitions. The genetic material was a line of semi-late triticale and a local variety of faba bean. Applications of a biostimulant were made in two phenological of the triticale stages forage during the staggered sowing (0, 20 and 40 days after sowing the bean). The variables evaluated were percentage increase of foliar N in triticale, biomass in triticale and broad bean, green forage yield of triticale and faba bean, presence of Rhizobium nodules in faba bean and interspecific competition indices of the associated system. Implications. The establishment of a triticale-faba bean association requires certain planting arrangements, varieties and nutrition to avoid the effects of competition, which cause the dominance or displacement of any of the species. Conclusions. The application of biostimulant in triticale in the tillering stage 20 days after sowing the bean, the highest yield of triticale forage was found, allowing the increase in the concentration of foliar nitrogen (1.8%) and rhizobial nodules per plant (175.83) of broad bean; higher biomass (6.49 t ha-1) in triticale and higher amount of total forage (39.02 t ha-1). The competition indices indicate that the bean cultivation in association favors the total relative yield without showing aggressive behavior between crops (A = 0); triticale and faba bean share their competitive capacity (CR>1) according to staggered plantings with and without biostimulant in a certain phenological state of triticale.


associated crops; forage quality; forage yield; staggered sowing; vegetable biostimulant.

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URN: http://www.revista.ccba.uady.mx/urn:ISSN:1870-0462-tsaes.v25i3.39410

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.56369/tsaes.3941

Copyright (c) 2022 Vidal César Vidal Aquino Zacarías, Andrés Alberto Azabache Leyton, Narcizo Isidoro Gómez Villanes, Jorge Jiménez Dávalos, Rember Pinedo-Taco

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