WHEAT (Triticum aestivum L.) GENOTYPES RESISTANCE TO Fusarium graminearum Schwabe CULTIVATED IN CHIAPAS, MEXICO
Nine wheat genotypes were evaluated to determine its adaptation, yield and resistance to F. graminearum resistance, as well as grain contamination with micotoxins associated to this fungus. Two field experiments were established during 2001-2002 crop season, the first one under residual humidity at Ocozocouatla, and the second one under irrigation at Jiquipilas, both experiments were carried out under artificial inoculation. A Split plot design with a randomized complete block experimental design was used; in the main plot the effect of inoculation treatments (no inoculation, inoculation at flowering and inoculation at milky grain stage) was evaluated; in the subplot the effect of six wheat genotypes was evaluated. Statistical differences were observed for grain yield between locations, genotypes and for the location-genotype interaction. No statistical differences were observed for inoculation treatments. The highest grain yield was obtained at Jiquipilas, with Rebeca F-2000; whereas in Ocozocoautla the best genotype was L-87. Regarding to F. graminearum infection, there were significant differences between locations and between genotypes; Rebeca F-2000 was the most tolerant to the disease. Micotoxin contamination was no significant in both experiments.
Scab, mycotoxins, artificial inoculation, epidemiology
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PDFURN: http://www.revista.ccba.uady.mx/urn:ISSN:1870-0462-tsaes.v14i1.709
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