Angel Alcázar-Hernández, Jorge Arturo Espadas-Escalante, Juan José Vargas Magaña, Francisco Alejandro Méndez-Ortiz, Angel Pérez-Roque, Javier Ventura-Cordero


Background: Contamination of public spaces with canine feces containing parasites increases the possibility of transmission of these parasites to people and other canines. Objective: To estimate the frequency and variables associated with parasite eggs/oocysts in canine feces collected in public parks from Cozumel Island, Mexico. Material and methods: One hundred and fifteen stool samples were collected in 23 public parks, which were selected by convenience and analyzed by direct smear microscopy. The variables evaluated were i) with/without tourism, ii) low/high economic level), iii) high/low number of inhabitants and iv) area collection site paved/unpaved. A statistical association analysis test (Χ2) was performed to determine significance of results and the odds ratio (OR) between the studied variables was evaluated. Results: A parasite prevalence of 27% was found, recording the following order of species Ancylostoma spp > Trichuris spp > Toxocara spp > Isospora spp = Taenia spp. Statistical significance was not found in the X2 tests and ORs. The positive sample frequencies of the variables evaluated did not show any correlation, irrespective of the parasite reported. Implications: Stray dogs, pet dogs, people and pet owners visiting public parks of Cozumel Island, Mexico, could be infected by gastrointestinal parasites. Conclusion: In public parks from Cozumel Island, gastrointestinal parasite eggs/oocysts are present in canine feces. However, the variables evaluated did correlate with the presence of these parasites.


Canines; Gastrointestinal nematodes; Zoonoses; Environment; Waste management.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.56369/tsaes.5561

Copyright (c) 2024 Juan José Vargas Magaña, Angel Alcázar-Hernández, Jorge Arturo Espadas-Escalante, Francisco Alejandro Méndez-Ortiz, Angel Pérez-Roque, Javier Ventura-Cordero

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