José Guadalupe Chan Quijano, Rogelio Bravo-Honorato, Erika M. López-García


Background: Electroremediation is an in-situ technology for the remediation of low-permeability soils contaminated with heavy metals or polar organic compounds. Regarding its application, only its biotechnological processes are considered. However, it is important to consider sustainable aspects within the technologies in order to influence socio-environmental and socio-economic issues of the affected areas. In addition, a histogram must be applied to visualize some pattern of soil behavior. Objective: To determine sustainable electroremediation as a viable tool for the recovery of contaminated soils, in addition to applying multi-criteria decision-making for an evaluation of the sustainability of contaminated areas using sustainable electroremediation, through diagnostic criteria, and sustainability indicators; whose qualitative or quantitative value allows comparing results oriented at the same time on policies, strategies, actions and decision-making in the area. Methodology: A bibliographic review (1960-2023) was carried out with a focus on remediation and electroremediation of contaminated environments with a sustainability perspective. Using the PRISMA method, the information was systematized, and, with it, a scientific analysis and critique of the information was developed to make an innovative contribution to the use of sustainable electroremediation through tools and indicators of sustainability of contaminated soils. Results: A first approach is shown to the compilation of the concept and scope of sustainable electroremediation to remediate and recover areas affected by contamination, seeking social, governmental and business participation for better decision-making in the sanitation of the socio-ecosystem. In addition, a multi-criteria decision analysis is provided to develop sustainable electroremediation projects that consider the social-anthropological, ecological-biological and economic-administrative aspects for a better remediation process of contaminated soils. Implications: The determination of soil indicators is described as a decision-making tool for the evaluation of the sustainability of contaminated areas using the electroremediation technique, but it is expected that the projects achieve a legitimate interest in the environment and its recovery. Conclusions: through criteria in decision-making and sustainability indicators, they provide an opportunity to apply sustainable electroremediation as an innovative technique, whose qualitative or quantitative value allows comparing the results and, at the same time, guiding policies, strategies and actions in decision-making in the contaminated area.


multicriteria decisions; contaminants; remediation; soils; sustainability.

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