Hans Dadther-Huaman, Tabita Abigail Gambini-de la Cruz, Bilijin Coaquira-Mendoza, Diana Garay-Duran, Jhimy Parco-Quinchori, René Quispe-Castro, Leandro Aybar-Peve, Sergio Contreras-Liza, Victor Casa-Coila


Background: Pallar (Phaseolus lunatus) is a grain legume of great socioeconomic importance in Peru, which has been domesticated in the past by pre-Hispanic cultures. Objective: Carry out the agromorphological characterization of 36 accessions from the Pallar National Collection of the Germplasm Bank of the National Institute of Agrarian Innovation (Peru). Methodology: 16 qualitative characters and 10 quantitative characters were compared using descriptive analysis, ANOVA and Scott Knott test, correlation, principal components and hierarchical grouping. Results: There was a positive correlation between the length of the main stem and the average number of mature pods per plant, average number of seeds per plant, average weight of seeds per plant and average weight of seeds; Likewise, a negative correlation was found between the number of locules per mature pod and the length and average weight of the seeds. Implications: The agromorphological characterization of the pallar is necessary for the conservation of genetic resources originating in Peru. Conclusions: Phenotypic variability was found among the Pallar accessions; Thus, the existence of three groups was established among the accessions in relation to quantitative characters, highlighting the high values of average number of seeds per plant, seed thickness, number of locules per mature pod, length of the main stem and average number of seeds. mature pods per plant. The promising accession was 14ac with respect to the highest average number of mature pods, average number of seeds and average weight of seeds per plant.


agromorphological characterization; germplasm; characters; accessions; diversity.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Hans Dadther-Huaman, Tabita Abigail Gambini-de la Cruz, Bilijin Coaquira-Mendoza, Diana Garay-Duran, Jhimy Parco-Quinchori, René Quispe-Castro, Leandro Aybar-Peve, Sergio Contreras-Liza, Victor Casa-Coila

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