Luis Alejandro Rojas Sandoval, Benito Albarran Portillo, Jaime Mondragon Ancelmo, Carlos Galdino Martinez Garcia, Anastacio Garcia Martinez


Background. Dual-purpose livestock farming in the dry tropics is considered a relevant economic activity, characterized by the diversity of production units (PU), by the amount of milk and meat it provides, by the generation of employment in rural areas and by the production seasonal lack of forage to feed livestock, which limits their development. Objective. Typify dual purpose (DP) livestock PU in the southeast of the state of Michoacán. Methodology. Information on the structure, livestock management and economic indicators of the UP was obtained through structured surveys applied through direct interviews to 93 farmers. The data were analyzed by multivariate statistical methods. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed to standardize the information and a Cluster Analysis (CA) to typify UP. Results. Three types of DP PU were identified: a small-scale group oriented to the breeding and sale of calves and are more representative of the system, called subsistence (SPU); a second group with greater orientation towards milk production and diversification of the activity, called family (FPU) and a third group characterized by greater specialization in the meat sale, a greater number of animals and surface area and identified as business (BPU). Implications. The work made it possible to identify types of PU and the factors that favor or limit its development. Conclusions. The subsistence and family-type PUs predominate in these production systems, although their development is limited, while the more specialized PUs is not very representative of the livestock system under study but show better development indicators.


typology; cattle; specialization; development; representativeness.

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