Martha Escarlet Beristain-Moreno, Alejandra Ramírez-Martínez, David Sósol-Reyes, Francisco Osorio-Acosta


Background. The coffee production in Veracruz state is important in the economic, social, cultural, and environmental sectors, mainly for the small producers who are dedicated to this activity. However, this sector has different problems that have generated its stagnation or abandonment, some of these are caused by the effects of climate change, coupled with the inadequate management of coffee agroecosystems that favor deforestation, low biodiversity and the elimination of natural enemies of pest organisms. Objective. To assess the perception of small coffee producers about the relationship among flowering, pests and climate change in Sabanas, Veracruz. Methodology. Eleven producers were interviewed through a questionnaire with open questions that allowed them to state how they perceive coffee flowering, pest problems, climate change and how they relate to each other. Results.  The main problems they mentioned are pests, drought, and delayed flowering. The main pests they mention are rust, nematodes, and the berry borer, and they also indicate the presence of the coffee stem borer, which they had not previously observed. Finally, they perceive that herbicides, deforestation and pollution negatively affect their agroecosystems. Implications. The work suggests carrying out monitoring in the study area and/or surrounding areas to know the dynamics and distribution of the pests present in the crop. Conclusion. Small producers relate the increase in severity and the occurrence of new pests with climate change. In addition, they observe that changes in temperature and precipitation influence the delay in flowering and generate certain stress in the plantations, which they consider it is aggravated by practices such as the application of herbicides and the removal of shade trees.


Coffea arabica; incidence; production.

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