PRESENCE OF TWO SPECIES OF MITES (Prostigmata:Tetranychidae: Mononychellus) ON CASSAVA (Manihot esculenta Crantz), COCLÉ PROVINCE, PANAMA

Randy Atencio Valdespino, Roberto Miranda, Jose Angel Herrera-Vasquez, Vidal Aguilera-Cogley, Pamela Murillo-Rojas, Alex Domingo, Alex Vasquez-Osorio


Background. Phytophagous mites of the Tetranychidae family (Prostigmata) have the potential to cause losses to the national production of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), one of the important crops for food security in Panama. This is due to the high reproduction rate they have in short periods of time and the ease of dispersing in certain regions. Objetive. Report the presence of two species of phytophagous mites of the genus Mononychellus associated with cassava in the province of Coclé, Panama. Methodology. The information corresponds to a sampling of phytophagous mites associated with cassava plantations in seven locations in the province of Coclé. The study was carried out during the period from August 2023 to September 2023. In each location, five yucca plants were selected to verify the presence and damage to the foliage of phytophagous mites. For this, samples of four leaves from each plant were taken. The sampled plant material was taken to the Plant Protection Laboratory of the Divisa Agricultural Innovation Center of the Panamanian Institute of Agricultural Innovation. The samples of phytophagous mites were separated, and microslides were made to identify the species under a microscope. Results. Two species of the genus Mononychellus of the family Tetranychidae were identified as associated with damage to cassava plants. Implications: The identification of the phytophagous mite species and the damage caused in cassava is the first step to establish an integrated pest management program. Conclusions. The damages presented by the plants that are affected by the attack of the Mononychellus phytophagous mite complex in the cassava crop were identified.


cassava; damage; morphological characters; phytophagous mites.

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