Madai Ruesta-López, Lesly Zurita-Chinguel, Maribel Lizano-Pintado, María Delgado-Vite, Diana Zapata-Durand, Jaira Jiménez-Castillo, Ricardo Peña-Castillo, Miguel Galecio-Julca, Roger Chanduví-García, Davies Arturo Morales Pizarro


Background: Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis S.) is a tropical fruit of socio-economic interest in Peru, used as an ingredient in the food industry, esthetics and medicine. However, this crop has a low germination power, so it is necessary to carry out pre-germination treatments to increase the germination percentage and the initial development of the seedlings. Objective: to evaluate the effect of different biostimulants at 12 h and 24 h of hydration on passion fruit seed germination. Methodology: passion fruit seeds of large and round fruits, free of pathogens, were collected. The aryl-free seeds were treated: T0 (distilled water), T1 (sulfur 25 g/10 L), T2 (sulfur 50 g/10 L), T3 (biol 3%), T4 (biol 5%), T5 (cinnamon 25%), T6 (cinnamon 50%), T7 (buttermilk 25%) and T8 (buttermilk 50%) for 12 h and 24 h imbibition. The variables evaluated were: water absorbed, imbibition rate (IR), germination percentage (GP), germination speed (GS), germination index (GI), first day of germination (FDG). Results: The highest water absorption occurred in the first 9 hours. Treatments T4, T5 and T6 significantly improved the GP, GS, GI, FDG at 12 h imbibition. However, at 24 h imbibition these values decreased. GP presented a high positive correlation with GS and GI. Likewise, GS presented a high negative correlation with FDG. Implications: The use of biostimulants increases germination. Conclusions: Cinnamon extract at 25% and 50%, and biol 5% at 12 h of imbibition have significantly improved the variables evaluated compared to imbibition at 24 h. The positive correlation between the variables indicates a direct relationship between them.


Sulfur; biofertilizer; cinnamon extract; buttermilk; germination percentage

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Copyright (c) 2024 Davies Arturo Morales Pizarro, Madai Ruesta-López, Madai Ruesta-López, Lesly Zurita-Chinguel, Lesly Zurita-Chinguel, Maribel Lizano-Pintado, Maribel Lizano-Pintado, María Delgado-Vite, María Delgado-Vite, Diana Zapata-Durand, Diana Zapata-Durand, Jaira Jiménez-Castillo, Jaira Jiménez-Castillo, Ricardo Peña-Castillo, Ricardo Peña-Castillo, Roger Chanduví-García

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