Gloria Carrión, Lorena Velasco-Rodríguez, Daniel López-Lima


Background: Tree tomato (Solanum betaceum Cav.) is a plant introduced to Mexico since colonial times, currently it is found as a crop in backyard orchards in the central mountainous region of Veracruz. Due to its nutraceutical properties, its cultivation is gaining importance worldwide and spreading. However, since there are no established formal crops in Mexico, there are no studies on the pests that may affect the development of this plant. Objective: To identify the plant-parasitic nematodes associated with the rhizospheric soil and root, as well as the determine their abundance in tree tomato plants, located in the Tlacolulan and Xalapa municipalities, in Veracruz state. Methodology: The nematodes were extracted from the soil and roots, fixed, clarified, mounted for identification at the genus level, and quantified. Results: 704 specimens belonging to 14 genera were identified: Criconema, Criconemoides, Filenchus, Fraglenchus, Gracilacus, Helicotylenchus, Malenchus, Meloidogyne, Ogma, Paratylenchus, Pratylenchus, Pratylenchoides, Sakia, and Thada. The most abundant nematodes were Helicotylenchus and Meloidogyne. Implications: Since in five samples we found Meloidogyne individuals, a diagnosis must be made prior to the establishment of new crops to avoid the increase in populations that can affect the performance of the plants. Conclusion: Criconema, Filenchus, Fraglenchus, Malenchus, Ogma, Pratylenchoides, Sakia, and Thada are recorded for the first time associated with this plant. 


Helicotylenchus; Meloidogyne; Criconematidae; Tylenchidae; soil pests

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Copyright (c) 2023 Gloria Carrión, Lorena Velasco-Rodríguez, Daniel López-Lima

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