Edgar Lenin Aguirre Riofrio, D.R. Armijos, R. Bustillos, M.V. Puchaicela, A.B. Avila, P.A. Pineda, J.P. Riofrio


Background. The Creole goat (Chusca Lojana) is found in the tropical zone of the seasonally dry forest (SDF) in Loja province (southern Ecuador, South America), where 73 % of the nationwide goat population is located. Objective. To study the productive characteristics and the milk quality of this population because this genetic resource represents a valuable socio-economic element for the habitants of this region. Methodology. The production and milk quality of 198 goats, managed extensively and from different herds, were evaluated in four periodic visits, and production was recorded at the various stages of lactation, with milk samples taken for analysis using Lactoscan Milk Analyzer SA50. Results. It was determined that 64 % of the goats have a globular udder, 93 % have pigmented nipples, the productive life curve increases in the third calving, reaches its peak in the fourth calving and then declines (R2 = 0.82), lactation duration is 140 ± 20 days, the lactation curve follows a two-period mobile trend, showing two peaks, one higher (30 days) and another of less intensity between 120-150 days coinciding with the post-weaning period, and the mean daily production is 390 ± 231 ml. Production and composition of milk are not statistically affected by biotype. The milk composition of this goat presents 5.5 ± 1.9 % Fat, 8.2 ± 0.83 % NFS, 137 ± 2.1 % Total Solids, 4.5 ± 0.47 % Lactose, 3 ± 0.3 % Protein, 0.68 ± 0.07 % Mineral Salts, and pH 6.7 ± 0.26. Implication. Analyze the productive performance and quality of the milk of this goat in semi-intensive management and using shrub resources present in abundance in this ecosystem (Croton spp, Ipomea carnea), would help to improve management conditions and value this local zoogenetic resource. Conclusions. With the information obtained from this study, those animals with a tendency to produce quality milk in this population can be standardized for selection, management, and multiplication.


milk production; milk quality; Chusca lojana goat; zoogenetic resource

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