Ismaela Guzmán Olea, Juan Elías Sabino López, Oscar Martín Antunez, Delfina Natividad Herrera Castro, Mariana Espinosa Rodriguez, Mirna Vázquez Villamar


Background. In Mexico, there are variants of chili peppers (Capsicum spp.) in terms of shape, flavor, size and pungency, where the greatest diversity of native chili peppers is found in rural communities of the Mexican tropics. Objective.  To characterize the phenotypic parameters of eight genotypes of native chili peppers from Olinalá, located in the mountain region of the state of Guerrero. Methodology. Eight materials collected from chili peppers were planted under greenhouse conditions, in a completely randomized design, with six replicates, three plants per experimental unit and a distance between plants and rows of 40 cm. The plants were established in a greenhouse, in a black polyethylene bag, with mountain soil as a substrate. Results. The genotypes Cascabel (CAS), Gallo gallina mediano (GGM), Gallo gallina grande (GGG) and Larguillo grande (LG) presented erect growth, Chilaca (CHI) of intermediate type, and Larguillo chico (LCH), Serrano (S) and Mochiteco (M) were compact. All genotypes have a green cylindrical stem and dense branching, lanceolate leaves (except M, which had oval leaves), with one flower per axil in an erect position and white, except CAS, which has light yellow flowers. The shape of the fruit varied between triangular (GGM, GGG and M), elongated (LGH, LG and S), round (CAS) and bell-shaped (CHI), and red when ripe. The genotypes that registered the largest plant and leaf size were LG, S, GGG and LCH. On the other hand, the largest fruit size was recorded in CHI with a fruit length of 8.53 cm; fruit width of 5.96 cm, and LG with fruit length of 8.67 cm; fruit width of 5.92 cm; while the fresh weight was higher in CHI (33.55 g), GGG (23.50 g) and GGM (22.60 g). Implications. The study provides information on the behavior of qualitative and quantitative morphological aspects of chili peppers grown in Teticic, Olinalá, in the state of Guerrero. In the same way, it allows to assess the possibility of selecting outstanding materials. Conclusions. The chili genotypes showed variability in different qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the plant, leaf, flower and fruit, so they are an alternative to select outstanding materials to design a program for the improvement and conservation of these genetic resources.


Capsicum; diversity; fruits; genotypes; morphology; Olinalá.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Oscar Martín Antunez, Ismaela Guzmán Olea, Juan Elías Sabino López, Delfina Natividad Herrera Castro, Mariana Espinosa Rodriguez, Mirna Vázquez Villamar

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