SUSTAINABLE ALTERNATIVES FOR THE CONTROL OF Lasiodiplodia theobromae (Pat.) Griffon & Maubl IN MANGO

Arturo Morales Pizarro, Isabel Neira Rojas, Elizabeth Saavedra Alberca, Karla Zapatel Sime, L.A Álvarez, Ricardo Peña-Castillo, René Aguilar-Anccota, Miguel Galecio-Julca, Javier Javier-Alva


Background: Peru is considered the third largest exporter of mango in the world and Piura is the first mango producing region representing 68% of the national production; however, the fungus Lasiodiplodia theobromae has been associated with dieback and the presence of cankers in mango cultivation, reducing fruit production and quality. Objective: To evaluate sustainable alternatives for in vitro and in vivo control of L. theobromae in mango, using products based on copper sulfate pentahydrate and a liquid biofertilizer. Methodology: Treatments were applied: T0 (Control), T1 (Vacun-Q organic 0.35 mL100 mL-1), T2 (Vacun-Q organic 0.175 mL 100 mL-1), T3 (Phyton 27® 0.35 mL100 mL-1), T4 (Phyton 27® 0.175 mL100 mL-1), T5 (Biol 10%) and T6 (Biol 20%). Radial growth and mycelial growth inhibition percentage (GIP) of the pathogen were evaluated in the in vitro phase with poisoned media, and necrotic area progression was assessed in the in vivo phase on mango leaves. Results: At 72 h after inoculation, treatments T3, T5 and T6 showed the lowest radial growth of L. theobromae, statistically equal to each other and inferior to the control that completed its development in the Petri dish; likewise, they showed 100% GIP. Five days after inoculation of mango leaves, T5 and T6 presented the smallest necrotic areas with 1.44 cm2 and 1.61 cm2 respectively, followed by T4 with 1.64 cm2 and T2 with 1.69 cm2 compared to the control with 2.05 cm2. Implications: In view of the constant restrictions of active molecules, sustainable and innocuous alternatives for humans and the environment are sought for the control of L. theobromae. Conclusion: Treatments T5 and T6 based on liquid biofertilizers showed to be effective in the in vitro and in vivo control of L. theobromae.


Biofertilizer; in vitro and in vivo control; Mangifera indica; dieback; copper sulfate.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Arturo Morales Pizarro, Isabel Neira Rojas, Elizabeth Saavedra Alberca, Karla Zapatel Sime, L.A Álvarez, Ricardo Peña-Castillo, René Aguilar-Anccota, Miguel Galecio-Julca, Javier Javier-Alva

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