Juan Antonio Espinosa-Alzate, Leonardo Alberto Rios-Osorio


Background. The agroforestry parcels are processes of ecological succession that, through technical activities applied to the soil, the areas intervened by the intensive mining operation of deep alluvium are recovered and adapted to biodiverse areas that transform the intervened landscape into productive and environmentally healthy areas with a very marked concept towards family farming. Objective. To analyze the energy efficiency in the production of agroforestry plots located in alluvial mining areas in processes of ecological succession, in the municipality of El Bagre - Antioquia. Methodology. A field evaluation was carried out in the "agroforestry parcels" located in the municipality of El Bagre, department of Antioquia - Colombia. A sustainability analysis was carried out through the evaluation of indicators and complementary methods such as the rapid evaluation of biodiversity (Institute for Plant Health Research - INISAV, Havana, Cuba), measurement of energy flows and uses, and the application of the Shannon index, as indicators of diversity. Results. The findings of this research show the level of energy efficiency of each studied agroforestry parcel and the agroecological characteristics, in terms of sustainability and resilience of the restored areas in the agricultural context of the region. Implications. Defining the recovery process of other agroforestry parcels as a successful experience based on the evaluation of agroecology principles, that is, relations of production, society and culture, among other dimensions, can become a tool applicable to the evaluation of recovery processes of ecosystems intervened and degraded by extractive mining practices and support agricultural planning processes. Conclusions. These conservation and recovery processes of soils affected by mining may show positive transformations that respond to ecological principles, and this can be demonstrated through the evaluation of sustainability indicators.


Agroecology; agroforestry parcels; biodiversity; complex systems; energy efficiency; ecological restoration.

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