Carlos Julián Ramírez Gómez


Background. Rural associative organizations (RAOs) have been considered as key actors for rural and agricultural development. In fact, the RAOs are characterized by their flexibility, since they can perform various functions in rural territories that can be economic, productive, political, social and environmental. Objective. This study used a literature review in order to determine the multifunctionality of RAOs based on the typification of organizational models, through a qualitative process of grouping categories and variables, in order to enrich theoretical conceptualization and future research analysis. Methodology. A systematic study of the literature was carried out in the global databases: ScienceDirect, Elsevier, EBSCO, SCOPUS, Springer, Wiley and Google Scholar, Scielo and REDALYC, using as key search terms in both Spanish and English: rural associativity, associativity rural cooperative, rural associative enterprises, dimensions of associativity, agrarian associations, associative forms and family farming, associativity and public policies, producer organizations, associativity and chains. Results. The study made it possible to determine four multifunctional models of RAOs: (i) Associative model as an intermediary in innovation; (ii) Rural agribusiness associative model; (iii) Associative model promoting leadership and empowerment; (iv) Associative model for local agri-food supply. Implications. The RAOs models proposed in this study are framed within key strategic functions that can be used to promote associativity in relation to the specific needs of the territories. This has implications for public policy at the local and micro-regional level. Conclusions. Despite the existence of extensive contributions on rural associativity generating various study frameworks, the state of the art and systematic and critical analysis allowed the grouping of four multifunctional models of RAOs. Each associative model pursues different purposes that, of course, can be transversal, but which are limited to specific strategic functions to promote different initiatives in the context of local rural development, as well as for the design of public policies with a territorial approach, within the framework of the availability of association capabilities and public-private institutions.


Rural associations; Strategic functions; territorial rural development; public policy.

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