Romeo de Jesús Barrios Calderón, Eduardo Antonio Gordillo Díaz, Pablo Marroquín Morales, Alfredo Isaac Brindis Santos


Background: The production of Coffea arabica L. in most of the world is carried out under agroforestry systems, whose associated tree assembly provides microclimatic conditions and other benefits such as product diversification, biodiversity conservation, carbon sequestration, increased soil fertility, and pest and disease control. Objective: to characterize the tree component and its classification by use and value in a shade-grown coffee agroforestry system in Siltepec, Chiapas. Methodology: Five clusters were established, each with three randomly distributed sampling units, with a total of 15 sampling units with an area of 400 m2. An inventory of the trees was carried out, classifying the associated species. Structural parameters (height, normal diameter, densities, basal area) and importance value index were estimated. Results: 30 tree species representing 19 botanical families were found; the Fabaceae Inga flexuosa, Inga laurina, Inga paterno, Dyphisa americana were the most important. The height of the tree component reached 27 m, with a more significant number of trees for class 2 at 7 m (1743 ind. ha-1 [78.73%]). The diameter class from 2.5 to 10 cm (532 trees) had the highest number of individuals. The average density corresponds to 1155 ind. ha-1, Inga flexuosa (chalum) the tree species with the most significant presence (510 ind. ha-1) with an importance value of 60.13%. The basal area obtained corresponds to 119.5 m2 ha-1, Inga laurina (caspirol) has the most significant spatial distribution (54.02 m2 ha-1). Implications: The study allows dimensioning of the importance of tree associations that occur within an agroforestry system of Coffea arabica L. in soh a way that those parameters and the composition of species can be determinants of the productive capacity of each plot. The study considers the benefits of the tree component in coffee production and contributing goods and services that give greater sustainability to the agroecosystem. Conclusions: There was a high tree density, with the Fabaceae family and particularly the Inga genus being the most important in the studied area, which allows excellent benefits such as the contribution of Nitrogen, nutrient recycling, soil fertility and decreased erosion in the coffee plantations


agroecosystem; shade trees; coffee plantations; tree component; tree diversification; forest structure.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Romeo de Jesús Barrios Calderón, Eduardo Antonio Gordillo Díaz, Pablo Marroquín Morales, Alfredo Isaac Brindis Santos

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