Pedro Cisneros-Saguilán, Patricia Cruz-Bautista, Manuel Hernández-Hernández


Background. Animal feeding and nutrition constitute the main limitation in livestock farming in arid and semi-arid zones, because it depends to a large extent on imported concentrated feed. Hydroponic green fodder (FVH) represents an efficient and economical alternative to obtain food with high nutritional value for domestic animals. However, little has been used due to ignorance of the method to produce it and its benefits. Objective. To analyze the scientific information available on the agronomic, productive and nutritional attributes of HGF, and its potential as a forage resource in animal feed. Methodology. A bibliographic review was carried out based in the following databases: Scopus, NCBI, Springer, Science direct, Google Scholar, Redalyc, ResearchGate and other digital repositories, using keywords in Spanish and English, such as hydroponic green fodder, hydroponic technology, hydroponic food and alternative fodder. Results. The HGF production cycle is basically carried out in six stages: i) seed selection, ii) seed washing and disinfection, iii) seed hydration, iv) sowing and germination, v) growth, and vi) harvest. Biomass production increases progressively in relation to a higher seed sowing density. The optimum harvest period for forage is from 12 to 14 days after sowing. However, the volume and yield of production must be assessed in terms of the nutritional quality of harvested fodder. In prolonged harvest periods, the crude protein content increases, while the dry matter content decreases. In cattle and goats, partial diet supplementation with HGF improves milk production and composition, as well as the weight gain rate and feed ratio, due to increased feed intake and nutrients digestibility. In monogastrics, the total replacement of conventional feed with HGF affects feed intake and growth rate. Implications. More research is required to determine the adequate portion of HGF in the supplementation of animal diets, without affecting their productive performance, especially in the case of monogastrics. Conclusion. The HGF technology represents a viable and economical alternative to counteract the scarcity of fresh and nutritious food, especially in dry seasons of arid and semi-arid areas; as well as in urban or suburban areas where there is limited land area for conventional fodder production.


hydroponic technology; biomass production; sowing density; digestibility; alternative fodder.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.56369/tsaes.4679


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