Dionicio Belisario Luis Olivas, Marcelo Antonio Tomaz, José Francisco Teixeira do Amaral, Fábio Luiz de Oliveira, Wagner Nunes Rodrigues, Bruno Fardim Christo, Eroncio Mendoza Nieto, Tabita Abigail Gambini de la Cruz, Amanda Dutra de Vargas


Background: Studies that help to evaluate agroecosystems are of great importance for world agricultural production in order to achieve a more sustainable agriculture. Objective: To evaluate the physical and chemical attributes of the soil with crops intercropped with coffee. Methodology: The research was carried out on the property of a family farmer located in the municipality of Alegre, state of Espírito Santo, in southeastern Brazil. For this, three farming systems were defined: monoculture coffee, coffee intercropped with plantain, and coffee intercropped with plantain and hearts of palm. Five randomly selected experimental units were established in each system. The physical attributes were evaluated: texture and mechanical resistance of the soil; and chemical attributes: pH, P, K, Ca, Mg, Al+H, SB, CIC-e, CIC-T, %SB, %SA and MO. Results: Soil texture was similar in the three cultivation systems, however, the monoculture coffee soil had a higher percentage of sand and a lower percentage of clay. The mechanical resistance was similar between the culture systems in the two depths evaluated. Regarding chemical attributes, monoculture coffee presented higher values for pH, P, K, Ca and Mg, SB, CICe and %SB, and lower value for organic matter content. Conclusion: These results show that the physical and chemical attributes of the soil are affected by intercropping with coffee, so it is necessary to modify the agronomic management for these conditions.


Coffea arabica; organic matter; monoculture; cropping systems; polycultures.

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