Héctor J. Beltrán-Vargas, Diego Flores-Sánchez, Verónica Vázquez-García, Alejandro Espinosa Calderón


Background. In the high mountains in the state of Veracruz Mexico, agriculture is characterized by smallholding coffee cropping systems. VIDA A.C., a rural organization, promotes the management of coffee cropping systems through agroecological practices aimed to enhance biodiversity, build soil fertility, conserve resources, food security, social equity.  Objective. To Characterize the agroecological management of coffee cropping systems carried out by smallholder families of rural organization VIDA A.C., and determine their importance to support their livelihoods. Methodology. Research integrated both qualitative and quantitative methods. Tools such as participant observation, interviews, workshops, and transect walks contributed qualitative data. For quantitative data, a structured survey was applied to 50 families to characterize their coffee cropping systems. Results. Coffee cropping systems are distinguished by their high diversity. This diversity is found in the varieties of coffee, shade trees and crops. Coffee management considers at least eleven practices, ranging from seed selection to marketing. All family member participates in the management of coffee systems. Implications. The study shows that rural families have incorporated diverse knowledge and strategies to carry out agroeocological management of coffee cropping systems. Research contributed to the baseline of these systems, and there is a room of opportunities to deep in agroecological principles. Conclusions. Coffee cropping systems are distinguished by having high diversity and implementing agroecological practices that confer a distinctive quality to coffee. Families contribute to the reproduction of coffee cropping systems, as a mean of subsistence, identity and territorial conservation.


shade trees; rural family; biodiversity; agroecology; food sovereignty.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Diego Flores-Sánchez, Héctor J. Beltrán-Vargas, Verónica Vázquez-García, Alejandro Espinosa Calderón

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