Percy Díaz-Chuquizuta, Edison Hidalgo-Melendez, Cynthia Cabrejo-Sánchez, Ofelia Andrea Valdés-Rodríguez


Background: The hard yellow corn (Zea mays L.) is essential in the livestock sector. In Peru, the variety Marginal 28-T is cultivated with the moon´s calendar, although relationships of moon phases with yellow corn have not been demonstrated. Objective: To determine the influence of the moon phase (new moon, first quarter, last quarter, and full moon) on development yield and plague incidence in hard yellow corn Marginal 28-T. Methodology: A completely randomized factorial design 2 x 4 (two seasons of four moon phases) and four repetitions with 104 experimental units. Plant and ear height, grain weight, yield, Spodoptera frugiperda, Ustilago maydis, and Helmintosporium maydis attacks were evaluated. Results: The corn sown during the new moon produced the highest and longer plants and ears, with 218 cm and 116 cm, respectively. The highest grain weight, with 45.50 and 44.30 g in 100 grains, and the highest yields, with  3.78 y 3.55 t∙ha-1, were obtained with the corn sown during the last quarter and full moon, respectively. The number of defoliated plants by  S. frugiperda was lowest in corn sown during the last quarter and the new moon. There were no infected plants with U. maydis during the first quarter, last quarter, and full moon. Plants sown during a full moon had the lowest damage by H. maydis. Implications: The corn´s response can be affected by the moon phases. Conclusion: Hard yellow corn Marginal 28-T planted during the full moon and last quarter produced the highest yield and lowest height and was more tolerant to plague attacks than corn sown during other moon phases. However, it is still necessary to consider the influence of precipitation as a factor for better yields.


moon phases; sow; yield; plagues.

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