Randy Atencio-Valdespino, Enrique Sánchez-Galán, Carlos Ramos-Delgado, Aidamalia Vargas-Lowman


Background. Insect pests, as well as other arthropods, constitute a constant threat to public health and food security and food sovereignty in a country. Although various techniques are currently used for integrated pest management, the search for new management alternatives is constant. In this sense, transcriptome analysis, which consists of the analysis of gene expression profiles of certain living organisms, could provide new alternatives. Objective. To determine the potential applications of transcriptomic analysis against insect pests in the agricultural sector in Panama. Methodology. The study was developed through the search for relevant information on transcriptome analysis applied within entomology. Search was performed in SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), Dialnet, Web of Science, Springer Link, Ciencia.Science.gov, Scopus, Google Schoolar and ERIC (Institute of Education Sciences). Main findings. The analysis of transcriptomes is a tool to understand different biological, physiological, and molecular aspects of insects and other arthropods identified as pests in the Republic of Panama that put at risk the agricultural production of the country. Implications. Harmful arthropods have become more relevant in recent years due to climate change, invasive species and anthropogenic factors that increase the populations of these pest in Panama. Conclusion. The results indicate that transcriptomic analysis generates information about the existence of candidate genes, including those of harmful arthropods and natural enemies as predators, parasitoids and entomopathogenic microorganisms that could be used as targets to reduce the damage caused by arthropods to the agricultural sector.


Analysis of transcriptomes; insect pest; agricultural production; integrated management alternatives.

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