Anderson Dal Molin Savicki, Ivan Ricardo Carvalho, Murilo Vieira Loro, Leonardo Cesar Pradebon, Aline Luiza Schmidt, Inaê Carolina Sfalcin, Adriano Dietterle Schulz, Pedro Pinheiro Nascimento Machado, Amauri de Carli Alchieri, José Antonio Gonzalez da Silva, Aljian Antônio Alban, Marcio Alberto Challiol


Background. White oat is a multifunctional species with significant benefits to human health, so the positioning of genotypes in the organic system is substantial to promote the expression of maximum productive potential. Objective. To select and identify the genotypes with greater stability and productive adaptability. Methodology. The study was carried out in 11 environments located in the countries of Brazil (states of Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná) and Paraguay (Itapúa) in 2019 and 2020, evaluating in each of them four genotypes of white oats (Avena sativa) (URS Corona, URS Brava, IPR Artemis and IPR Afrodite) each considered as treatments. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replications per treatment. The variables analyzed were grain yield (GY, kg ha-1) and the cycle in days from emergence to physiological maturity (PM). With the presence of G x E interaction, AMMI and GGE biometric methods were used to study adaptability and stability. Results. With the data obtained, it was possible to form three mega-environments with the identification of specifically adapted genotypes. The URS Brava genotype was characterized as the ideal genotype, with high stability and wide adaptability for grain yield, which can be positioned in all environments. High altitudes promoted a longer crop cycle and lower grain yield, while low altitudes induced a shorter cycle and grain yield maximization of white oat genotypes. Implications. The current results indicate that it is possible to position a single genotype within a region formed by similar environments, as well as it was identified that the crops should preferably be carried out in regions of lower altitudes. Conclusion. The URS Brava genotype is considered the ideal genotype with high potential for productivity at low altitudes.


Avena sativa L.; genotypes; stability; adaptability; AMMI; GGE.

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URN: http://www.revista.ccba.uady.mx/urn:ISSN:1870-0462-tsaes.v26i2.44057

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.56369/tsaes.4405

Copyright (c) 2023 Anderson Dal Molin Savicki, IVAN Ricardo Carvalho, Murilo Vieira Loro, Leonardo Cesar Pradebon, Aline Luiza Schmidt, Inaê Carolina Sfalcin, Adriano Dietterle Schulz, Pedro Pinheiro Nascimento Machado, Amauri de Carli Alchieri, José Antonio Gonzalez da Silva, Aljian Antônio Alban, Marcio Alberto Challiol

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