Nestor Jorge Rojas Victoria, José Alberto Salvador Escalante Estrada, Cid Aguilar Carpio


Background. The ayocote bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.) is a leguminous native of the temperate zones of the Mexican territory, with great potential for use and exploitation by the population. However, information on its growth and mineral nutrition for its production is scarce. Objective. Determine the dynamics of growth, biomass production, grain yield and its components in the cultivation of runner beans in a cultivation system with nitrogen fertilization. Methodology. The trial was carried out under field conditions, under a rainfall regime during 2014 in Montecillo, State of México, México; with temperate clime. The purple runner bean cultivar was sown with applications of 0, 75 and 150 kg ha-1 of nitrogen fertilization. Variables were recorded as number of green leaves, leaf area index, total biomass and grain yield with its components. The study was developed using an experimental design that was randomized complete blocks with four replications. Results. With the treatment of 150 kg ha-1 of nitrogen, the highest values were obtained, such as the number of green leaves, 240 m2; leaf area index, 7.75; leaf area length, 277 days; total biomass, 566 g m2 and grain yield 363 g m2 with respect to the control. With the same treatment, the organs with the highest accumulation of dry matter were: grain and stem with 39%. Implications. Whit the supply of nitrogen, the biomass and the yield of the runner bean can be increased. This contribution can help the producers of this crop. Conclusions. The application of nitrogen to the soil increases the leaf area index, its duration, growth rate, biomass and crop yield. The highest profitability in runner beans is achieved with the application of 150 kg ha-1 of nitrogen.


Phaseolus coccineus; total biomass; grain yield.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Nestor Jorge Rojas Victoria, José Alberto Salvador Escalante Estrada, Cid Aguilar Carpio

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