J.A. Couoh-Moo, José Bernardino Castillo Caamal, B.A. Balam-Cocom, J.A. Caamal-Maldonado


Background. The effect of soil fertility and productivity depletion on the milpa system is, in most cases, compensated with the use of agrochemicals, which can be unsustainable on the long-term. Agroecological practices, such as the use of organic inputs, can contribute to sustainable production. Objective: To evaluate the effect of the application of the liquid fermented from native microorganisms (boil NM) and fertilization type (FT), on yield of corn and their components. Methodology: The corn var. "Santa Rosa" was established during the spring-summer cycle of 2018 in Xoy, Peto, Yucatan, Mexico. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks with an arrangement in split plots; the large plot was the FT with three levels: control (CON), diammonium phosphate (DAP) and sheep manure (SM); the small plot was spraying of boil NM at two levels: 0 mL L-1 and 100 mL L-1. The dependent variables were: grain yield, number of cobs, kernel specific weight, and final height of the plant. The variables were analyzed with procedure PROC GLM statistical software SAS version 2013. Results: All variables were statistically similar (P>0.05), except the kernel specific weight in the treatment of NM spraying. Consecuently, the means comparison test was not undertaken. The variable means were: grain yield, 4750 kg ha-1; number of cobs 27992 ha-1; kernel specific weight, 314.16 mg grano-1; and height of the plant, 276.5 cm. The NM spraying increased the kernel weight by 24.5% (P<0.05). Implications: Although,the effect of sheep manure on grain yield was similar to that found with chemical fertilizers, it has the advantage that it is available at the farm. In adition, the use of MN increased the weight of kernel. Conclusions: The application of either TF or MN and the interactions between these factors resulted in similar responses on the studied variables, except the effect of MN on the specific weight of the grain. It is suggested to continue the evaluation of the application of MN and TF in the management of the milpa system in several crop cycles to evaluate this organic input in a long term.


Yield; sheep manure; native microorganism; agroecological practices.

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