Francisco Bautista, Yameli Aguilar, Neftaly Gijón


Introduction: The state of Yucatán is the third national producer of pork meat due to a large number of pig farms, there are them of all sizes from very small to mega-farms with more than 30 000 pigs, many of which generate environmental and social problems. Objectives: The analysis of the operation of pig farms in Yucatán; identification of environmental problems; and proposals for mitigating damage to the environment and human health. Results: The environmental problem is generated by the large amount of water with which they operate to clean the farms and cool the pigs during high-temperature days. In addition to the large volumes of water extraction, large volumes of wastewater are generated that are not properly treated and that contaminate air, soil, and groundwater. In this work, the traditional way of operating farms is documented, emphasizing environmental damage. The particularities of karst landscapes and their environmental vulnerability are explained. Implications: Ways of reducing environmental problems are proposed with the idea that they are taken into account to move towards sustainable management of pig farms in the state of Yucatán, for example, selection of the best sites for pig farming (relief, soils, climate, and depth of groundwater), reduction of extracted water, treatment through artificial wetlands and agricultural use of wastewater through sprinklers in soils of the Luvisol, Nitisol and Vertisol groups. Conclusions: For the transit of contamination to Sustainability in the management of pig farms in the state of Yucatán requires knowledge, innovations to solve problems, social commitment with local communities, and environmental regulations. It will not be easy but it is possible.


Karst; Agua subterránea; Suelos; Clima; Contaminación

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.56369/tsaes.4154

Copyright (c) 2022 Francisco Bautista, Yameli Aguilar, Neftaly Gijón

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