Monica Del-Angel-Campo, Juan Pablo Martinez-Davila, Gustavo Lopez Romero, Javier Cruz-Hernadez


Background. Since 1942, no public or private research institution in our country has generated methodological applications in the field on the subject of Agricultural Technology Transfer with a systemic approach. Objective. Understand the complex processes and relationships in the operation of a strategy for figs in Ixehuaco, Xochiapulco, Puebla. Methodology. The research described in this document belongs to the General project for the Massification of Agricultural Technology Transfer. This begins with a phase of Diagnosis-Diagnostic to understand the transmission are the main problems in the chosen territory; where the second order observer in a process of identification of innovators will be responsible for conducting a demonstration plot composed of three phases: 1. Application of a questionnaire to find out how much they know about leachate. 2. Theoretical-practical explanation. 3. Application of the initial questionnaire which with a before and after test (McNemar) is known what is the level of technology transferred. Results. The Strategy implemented within what includes the different forms of fertilization and the demonstration; achieved significant favorable changes in the management of leachate technology in agroecosystem controllers (McNemar 5.82; gl = 1.0; Chi²= 0.016). Implications. The application of the systemic approach in the subject of technology transfer is fundamental to be seen as an organized totality, where all the actors can be involved. Conclusions. The theories used plausibly helped to understand the behavior of the studied Social System, so the strategy for the transfer of applied agricultural technology achieved positive changes in the producer´s knowledge about the leachate technology used for fertilization in fig cultivation. The factors involved in the adoption of technology in fig cultivation, in order of importance were: cultural, social, political, economic and human.


interdisciplinarity; system; innovation; adoption.

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URN: http://www.revista.ccba.uady.mx/urn:ISSN:1870-0462-tsaes.v24i2.33362

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.56369/tsaes.3336

Copyright (c) 2021 Juan Pablo Martinez-Davila

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