DRYING OUT OF Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst. ex Chiov CAUSED BY THE GRASS BUG Blissus leucopterus Say IN SOUTHERN VERACRUZ
Background: Damage that causes the drying out of grasses of the species Pennisetum clandestinum was reported in the south of Veracruz, which results in economic losses in the livestock sector. Objective: To taxonomically identify the bug species that causes the drying out of P. clandestinum. Methodology: We collected grass bugs across a surface of twenty hectares with an entomological net. The insects were placed in containers with 70% alcohol and were subsequently quantified. We performed the taxonomic identification under a stereo microscope by observing the morphological characteristics and comparing them with those described in the literature. We dissected the abdomen of the insects in order to extract the male and female genitalia. Results. The presence of the chinch bug Blissus leucopterus Say was confirmed in the grasses based on the taxonomic characteristics of the adults and the genitalia, as well as on the shape of the male parameres and aedeagus. The chinch bug caused characteristic damage to the grasses, such as stunted growth, yellowing, spotted wilt, and necrotic lesions. Implications. A correct identification of the insect will allow the implementation of appropriate management strategies. Conclusion. The chinch bug B. leucopterus Say was taxonomically identified, this plague is responsible of the drying out of P. clandestinum in Hidalgotitlan, Veracruz.
Grass; infestation; chinch bug; wilting
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PDFURN: http://www.revista.ccba.uady.mx/urn:ISSN:1870-0462-tsaes.v23i3.3243
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.56369/tsaes.3243
Copyright (c) 2020 Alejandro Salinas

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