Ramón Crucito Arias Pérez, Juan José Reyes Pérez, José Leonardo Ledea Rodríguez, Diocles Guillermo Benítez Jímenez, Jorge Valentín Ray Ramírez, Luis Guillermo Hernández Montiel
With the objective of evaluating the agro productive behavior of new varieties of Cenchrus purpureus (CT-601, CT-603, CT-605, CT-608, CT-609 and CT-115 as control) in different ages of regrowth (60, 90, 120, 150 days) in the rainy season, a study was developed in a random block design in factorial arrangement and interaction of the factors (6×4) in the productive and agronomic variables. The highest (P≤0,001) yield of Green Matter at 120 days of age was observed in CT-605 (22,8tha-1), similar behavior for dry matter yield (5,41tha-1 DM) for variety and age, for this last variable no differences were observed with respect to control within different ages. The highest height of the plant was observed at 150 days in the variety CT-608 (110,7cm), this variable did not show significant differences with respect to the control (93,36cm), the width of the leaf was favored in all the varieties at the age of 120 days and in the rest of the ages no significant differences were observed (P≥0,001). The variables, number of nodes, leaf length, stem thickness and internode quarter length were not affected by the second degree interaction. It is concluded that the new varieties in the rainy season of the Cauto Valley show a favorable productive response that resembles the CUBA CT-115 parent. Its use is recommended between 90 and 120 days of regrowth. The new varieties in the rainy season of Valle del Cauto show a productive response of DM that ranges between 1.01 and 5.41 t ha-1, with marked differences between the ages and varieties that become uniform after 120 days. All are potential forage producers in the conditions of Valle del Cauto, Cuba.
Seasonality; yield; adverse ecosystems; rainfall
Copyright (c) 2019 Ramón Crucito Arias Pérez, José Leonardo Ledea Rodríguez, Diocles Guillermo Benítez Jímenez, Jorge Valentín Ray Ramírez, Juan José Reyes Pérez, Luis Guillermo Hernández Montiel

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