EFECT OF THE INOCULATION OF Azospirillum halopraeferens and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens IN GERMINATION OF Prosopis chilensis
The Promotional Bacteria of Growth of Plants (PBGP), are microorganisms atmospheric nitrogen fixing and produce hormones that take advantage of the plants to carry out their development. The use of beneficial microorganisms is important to reduce the chemical fertilization. The scientific research has been increasing the isolation of PBGP from specific regions as the arid zones, due that these microorganisms are adapted to extreme atmospheres. The Prosopis chilensis species has being used for reforestation of schools, parks and also like ornate; in order to reproduce this plant is necessary the use of fertilizing chemicals, however it is a harmful to the environment. The objective of the present investigation, consisted of analyzing the promotional effect of the promotional bacteria of the vegetal growth Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Azospirillum halopraeferens in the germination and emergency of mesquite Chileno (P. chilensis) under four saline concentrations (0, 0,25, 0,5 and 0,75 M of NaCl). Seeds of mesquite Chileno were obtained of the region of Santa Ana, Sonora, Mexico. Under conditions of laboratory percentage of germination was evaluated, rate of germination, height, length to radicle of plant, fresh weight of plant. Under conditions of greenhouse, the evaluated variables were percentage of emergency, rate of emergency, height and length to radicle, fresh and dry weight of plant, fresh and dry weight by root, number of bacterial cells adhered to the system to radicle. The results showed that under in vitro conditions, the percentage and rate of germination diminish as the salinity increased. Nevertheless, these variables were affected positively by A. halopraeferens and B. amyloliquefaciens in comparison of the treatment control; the height of plant and length to radicle were increased with bacterium B. amyloliquefaciens, in the salinities (0, 0.25 and 0.5 M of NaCl); the number of cells adhered to the system to radicle was not affected by the concentrations of NaCl. The results obtained in greenhouse, indicate that, the percentage and rate of emergency, were affected positively by the two bacteria (A. halopraeferens and B. amyloliquefaciens) in P. chilensis; also appear a good development in height of plant, length to radicle, fresh and dry weight. It is necessary to indicate that under conditions of greenhouse the inoculants were more effective.
Nitrogen fixation; Bacillus amyloliquefaciens; Prosopis chilensis; Azospirillum halopraeferens; salinity.
URN: http://www.revista.ccba.uady.mx/urn:ISSN:1870-0462-tsaes.v12i1.180
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